The Swiss Sherpa Foundation supports Sherpas and other mountain people with purposeful training programs and infrastructure projects to facilitate a sustainable independance. The principal activity shall be in mounain regions in which Outdoor activities like mountaineering and trekking can or may contribute to an economic development.
The foundation furthermore aims to achieve the support of Sherpas and other mountain people and their family members which are in an emergency situation.
The foundation can also engage in charitable institutions or projects which correspond to the mission of the foundation.
The Swiss-Sherpa Foundation is under the federal foundation supervision. She has a charitable character and does aim for pecuniary reward or benefit.
The Board

Patrick Z'Brun, Salgesch
Mountain guide, 1983 first Himalaya expedition, 2008 Everest ascent, owner Vins des Chevaliers

Meinrad Bittel, Visp
Mountain guide, 1983 first Himalaya expedition, 2008 Everest ascent